Engaging Advocates for Life at the Grassroots Level
The Right to Life Action Coalition (RTLACO) influences government officials and others by coordinating online campaigns to support or oppose specific legislation or other public issues involving the right to life. We conduct this “grassroots advocacy” through Voter Voice, a digital tool used by numerous non-profit organizations.
How would you like the ability to drop 10,000 emails into the email inboxes of Ohio Legislators, urging them to support or oppose a critical pro-life bill? You can, with Voter Voice!
Voter Voice
Voter Voice makes it easy for our local constituents (we call them Advocates) to send an email
to their legislators or other elected officials to support a “campaign” driven by RTLACO, or your
local member organization.
How can my Member Organization use Voter Voice?
Your local member organization will send an email to your email list (the Advocates) with a link
that points to a Voter Voice campaign. That campaign can be a national issue, an Ohio-wide
issue or you can request to set up your own local issue as a campaign in Voter Voice.
How does the process work?
The Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio (RTLACO) announces a campaign (typically to promote or oppose critical legislation) through email to our contacts in all member organizations.
This notice includes an email with appropriate text that you easily forward to your local email list. The email contains a link to a Voter Voice campaign already built. By clicking the link in the email,
your Advocates can send an email to their respective legislators or other designated official,
with as little as one mouse click — literally within 10 seconds!
Voter Voice allows us to engage tens of thousands of Advocates across Ohio and potentially generate thousands of emails on issues of importance to pro-life organizations.
What else can Voter Voice do for my organization?
Your organization can use Voter Voice to manage a petition to local officials, such as promoting a sanctuary city. You can also use it to survey your members, announce a meeting, or solicit
volunteers for an upcoming event.
RTLACO member organizations maintain total control of their email lists. RTLACO never contacts your Advocates without your permission.
Here is how Voter Voice Works

A template email will be provided for you to forward to your email list of Advocates. It will include a link to a Voter Voice Campaign. Here is an example of a template email – notice the link included at TAKE ACTION.
“10 Seconds to Make a Difference”

Once someone clicks the link on your email, they can send the embedded email text to their own legislator or other official in less than 10 seconds!
- Voter Voice customizes the email for your Advocates by recognizing their specific legislators or other officials on any given issue.
- Voter Voice includes a template email which can be sent as written, or which can be modified as desired by each Advocate.
- Only one click is necessary – that’s it!
For more information about Voter Voice, please contact Rob Tuttle: rbtuttle56@gmail.com.