

Q – What is RTLACO’s relationship with Ohio Right to Life?
A – The majority of our individual member organizations currently affiliated with ORTL will remain affiliated and will obviously work to support their efforts to advance the cause of life whenever possible. There is strength in numbers and power in alliances. Whenever and wherever we can, we will work with them to restore Ohio to the top 10 pro-life states in America. Currently, Ohio ranks number fourteen.

Q – Is it true that RTLACO was formed to go against ORTL?
A – No, that is not at all true! The RTLACO was formed after five years and numerous good-faith attempts to address a few essential issues needed to ensure Ohio maintains a unified voice within the pro-life community. Regrettably, under the current leadership at ORTL, it became abundantly obvious they had no intention of instituting even a few of these basic enhancements. We were left with no other choice but to chart a new course and embrace a strategy for victory and a governance model designed for the 21st century.  We are happy to work with any group that protects life.

Q – How will we receive communications and action items from RTLACO?
A – Email would be our preferred method because of cost and expediency. If we don’t have your email address, we will mail the notices to your member organization’s primary mailing address for official meeting notifications and other essential communications.

Q – How is the RTLACO funded?
A – In the same way all of our organizations are funded through individual, business, and in-kind donations and, to a much lesser degree, annual membership fees. Our membership fees, compared to any organization, are nominal.

Q – Can a 501c3 organization be a member of RTLACO?
A – Yes, your membership is not a conflict with your 501c3 status.

A voice for the Voiceless
A voice for the Voiceless

In The

upcoming event

Founders’ Salute

Honor our ten founders and help us raise funds to support much needed pro-life efforts around Ohio!

Friday Five

South Carolina House Passes Abortion Ban with Rape Exception. Babies Conceived in Rape Less Human? By a vote of 67- 35, the South Carolina House of Representatives passed a bill that purports to ban abortion. On Wednesday, the House voted down a more principled abortion ban that would have also protected the right to life

Ohio Laws Go To Court

At the end of 2020, the Ohio Legislature passed two pro-life pieces of legislation that were ultimately signed into law by Governor Dewine.  Senate Bill 27, the bill to ensure the Humane and proper Disposition of the Remains of an Unborn Baby killed by abortion, SB27 was the culmination of 2+ years of work by


Good News

On Wednesday, Dec 22nd, Governor DeWine signed into law Senate Bill 157. This new law now requires medical care for babies that survive abortions. Essentially it prevents infanticide in statewide abortion facilities. Failure to do so, could result in felony charges for the abortionist/doctor. The law also requires the reporting of these born alive cases