
January 28, 2022

Abortion Becomes Key Issue in Ohio Governor’s Race.

Access to abortion has become a key issue in Ohio’s race for governor — putting pressure on incumbent GOP Gov. Mike DeWine as he faces challengers who  claim he’s soft on the issue, the Columbus

Dispatch reports.

DeWine’s Republican primary opponent, former Congressman Jim Renacci, slammed the governor’s move, tweeting, “Last year, Mike DeWine declared abortion clinics ‘essential.’ I believe it’s essential we protect the unborn.”

The Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio rescinded its endorsement in November 2020 after he appointed a Democrat as health director. Critics also slammed DeWine for allowing abortion clinics to remain open amid the COVID-19 pandemic when the state health department halted elective surgeries and closed many businesses as part of its stay-at-home order.

As governor and in past political posts, DeWine has been a supporter of abortion restrictions; his team calls him “the most pro-life governor in Ohio history,” according to the Dispatch.

DeWine’s opponents say he hasn’t done enough.

What will the voters say?

Full Newmax article HERE!

‘Historic victory’: Planned Parenthood drops lawsuit against Texas city that banned abortion.

Planned Parenthood has dropped a lawsuit against an abortion ban in Lubbock, Texas, allowing the city to remain an abortion -free “sanctuary city for the unborn” in what pro- lifers are hailing as a “historic victory” for the right to life. Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas filed a motion Thursday to withdraw its appeal of a federal judge’s ruling that dismissed the lawsuit in June.

Lubbock, Texas’ pro-life “sanctuary” ordinance, approved by voters in May 2021, outlaws abortion “at all times and at all stages of pregnancy” within city limits and empowers relatives of an aborted baby, including a child’s mother, father or grandparents, to sue abortion providers for damages.

Planned Parenthood’s motion to drop its appeal came after the Supreme Court on Thursday refused to speed up a challenge to the Texas Heartbeat Act, which bans abortion statewide at around six weeks of pregnancy and remains in effect after almost five months of litigation. The high court’s decision sends the case to the Republican-dominated Texas Supreme Court.

Right to Life East Texas hailed the demise of Planned Parenthood’s lawsuit against Lubbock as “a major and historic victory for the right to life.”

A total of 43 U.S. cities in have outlawed abortion within their city limits, including more than two dozen in Texas.

LifeSite News Read HERE!

Kristi Noem introduces pair of pro-life bills that could ban nearly all abortions in South Dakota.

South Dakota has joined the ranks of Republican-led states introducing measures to ban or strictly limit abortion in anticipation of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v.

Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which could see the federal “right to abortion” overturned as early as this summer.

On Friday, the same day that tens of thousands of pro-lifersgathered for the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., Noem introduced two pro-life bill drafts in her state: one that would ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected (usually around six weeks gestation), and another which would prohibit the distribution of abortion drugs through the mai.l Noem had already blocked telemedicine abortions via executive order last year.

Abortions have dropped by 80% in South Dakota over the last decade, but there is more that we can do to protect unborn lives.

We must end abortions once a heartbeat can be detected. Any abortion after that point stops that child’s heartbeat — stops that gift from God. ~Governor Kristi Noem

Full Read by LifeSite News HERE!

To End Abortion, Changing Hearts Is Even More Important Than Changing Laws

Every single human life has such profound value, meaning, and purpose, beyond anything we can imagine.

We pray for the hearts of all babies, that abortion will not stop them from beating. Yet our endgame must also include a change of millions of older hearts, so our whole culture respects human life at every stage.

Tragically, abortion will not disappear in the United States even if Roe v. Wade, the 1973 high court ruling that legalized abortion nationwide, is overturned. Instead, the battleground will simply shift, and the fight against abortion will continue as each state seeks to regulate abortion for its residents —and depending on where we live, the new abortion laws may very well be more horrific than they are now.

That’s why we do well to remember that a change of hearts, not merely a change of law, must be the goal of the pro-life cause. That’s because abortion is ultimately a question of the heart, a question of recognizing the beauty of each human life.

We need to be Christ for others, to love them, to show them kindness and mercy, and trust that God will use our efforts to bring change—the change that does not depend on the courts or the legislature, but on the conviction of our culture that every human life deserves protection and should receive it from conception to natural death.

Full Daily Signal Article HERE!

Protecting Unborn Children in a Post-Roe World

Soon—by this summer—the Supreme Court will

 decide Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a case examining the constitutionality of a Mississippi law that protects unborn children after the first 15 weeks of pregnancy.

The high court’s ruling in the Dobbs case potentially could overturn Roe v. Wade. If Roe is overturned, abortion wouldn’t be automatically outlawed. Rather, states would have an opportunity to further protect life, and we would see a national debate in the halls of Congress.

Overturning Roe v. Wade would be a critical victory, and one that would result from decades of hard work from the conservative legal and pro-life movements.

Although overturning Roe has certainly been one of the pro-life movement’s foremost goals, it doesn’t end there. When Roe goes, the pro-life movement will enter a new phase of mobilization and pro-life policymaking—not just in legislatures, but in civil society more broadly. That is why the American Cornerstone Institute, the Conservative Partnership Institute, Family Research Council, The Heritage Foundation, and Susan B. Anthony List are committed to work alongside our pro-life allies to make the post-Dobbs world as protective as possible for women and unborn children.

But it is possible that the court might not overturn Roe v. Wade. If the court leaves Roe in place while allowing the Mississippi law to stand, the contours of the new abortion regime in which Roe is undermined would provide new avenues to pursue life-affirming policies. It would still leave an unworkable framework in place, requiring continued efforts to fully correct a grave constitutional error.

We have the opportunity to make real change this year. The spotlight has never been bigger on the pro-life movement, as millions of Americans will focus on the issue after the Supreme Court’s landmark Dobbs decision.

We must fight against the false history, false science, false constitutional interpretation, and false morality of the pro-abortion movement.

We must not punish women who have had abortions, but instead work with organizations including crisis resource centers to help provide healing options. From policymaking to volunteering with a local pregnancy resource center to peacefully praying and offering support to women outside abortion clinics, every one of us has unique gifts and a role to play in our effort to build a culture of life.

Full Article by Daily Signal HERE!

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