Pro-life Events Around Ohio
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RTLACO Special August 2nd Endorsements
RTLACO has released its latest endorsement list for the special election on August 2nd. We have many state central committee members listed! Please get out and VOTE! With the passing of the Dobbs decision, the pro-abortion syndicate is rallying their voters!! We must stay strong and continue our successes at the ballot box. This is how our movement brought Roe to its end. We cannot let up! Also—get involved in your local board of elections.
For more information, click here.
Did you know RTLACO was formed in 2017 with the goal of making Ohio pro-life without exceptions? We started with just a small group of what we affectionately call the “Big 4” (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo, and Dayton RTL’s) and a few other groups across the state. Within a year, we had grown to over 10 and today, we have over 30 member organizations with over 70,000 pro-life warriors across the state!!
In our short existence, through the work of ALL VOLUNTEERS, we have been able to impact legislation and legislators. However, all of this growth and impact has taken a toll on our resources. We need your help!
In a few weeks we will be introducing our “HIGH FIVE” raffle. Donors and supporters have graciously donated the prizes and printing costs, so RTLACO can get receive as much benefit as possible! Please prayerfully consider supporting our work in Ohio.
Pro-lifers played the long game
THE 1973 ROE V. WADE DECISION unsettled 25-year- old grad student Peggy Hartshorn (now board chair of Heartbeat International) when she heard about it on NPR while driving to meet her Ohio State University dissertation adviser. As soon as she could get to a phone, she rang her husband, an attorney with access to the telefacsimile machine in the Federal Courthouse Library in Columbus that could produce copies of the new Supreme Court decision. She wanted to read it for herself to see if the reports of a ruling so antithetical to the right to life were true. After reading it, she searched in a phone book for a phrase she had heard before: “Right to Life.” On the phone, she told the president of Columbus Right to Life she was a Ph.D. English student and wanted to help. The group was desperate for volunteers, so she quickly joined as the education director.
Chuck Donovan, now the president of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, landed a job at National Right to Life as a Capitol Hill lobbyist thanks to a paper he wrote about recipients of the federal government’s Title X family planning funds that were performing abortions. Government funding of abortion became a theme of his work: He created and maintained a voting record for National Right to Life, printing out the record at a print shop in the back of a church in Manassas, Va., and spending hours double-checking the thousands of x’s and o’s documenting votes on the Hyde Amendment, a budget rider that since 1976 has prevented federal funding of abortion. He helped gather signatures on a congressional brief in defense of the Hyde Amendment when the issue went before the Supreme Court and celebrated when the court in 1980 handed down a 5-4 decision upholding it.
AS ALL THIS PLAYED OUT IN D.C., two branches of the pro-life movement began to grow into prominence: pro-life direct action and the pregnancy help movement. As legislative efforts stalled, some pro-lifers turned to these. Monica Migliorino Miller started counseling women on the sidewalks of abortion facilities when she was 23. In 1978 at age 24, she became involved with pro-life direct action when she participated in her first sit -in at an abortion facility, an event organized by Joseph Scheidler, a so- called architect of nonviolent abortion protest. On March 11, she and 26 others pushed past the security guard at Concord Medical Center and used their bodies to block the hallway to the abortion procedure rooms. Miller and at least one other woman in the group passed out pamphlets and tried to talk with the clients gathered in the waiting room. The police soon arrived to make arrests—Miller’s first—and the group spent the day in jail.
The pro-life rescue movement took off in 1988, when police arrested 1,300 pro-lifers with Randall Terry’s Operation Rescue for blockading abortion clinic entrances in Atlanta during the Democratic National Convention. Some pro-lifers didn’t appreciate the image the method gave to the pro-life movement. But for some, participating was a matter of conscience.
AS THE DIRECT ACTION and pregnancy help branches of the movement grew, activists on the political and legislative sides of the issue formed a new strategy for overturning Roe v. Wade: Instead of focusing on amending the Constitution, they turned their eyes to defeating it through the courts.
Americans United for Life senior counsel Clarke Forsythe remembers first hearing the strategy articulated at the 19th-century Palmer House Hotel in Chicago in March 1984. Hundreds of pro-lifers from all over the country attended the one-day conference in the hotel’s ornate ballroom: law professors, historians, litigators. At the time, Forsythe was a volunteer at Americans United for Life, 25 years old and fresh out of law school. But when he officially joined Americans United for Life as staff counsel in 1985, the idea of passing state legislation calculated to pose nuanced challenges to Roe in the federal courts and slowly chip away at the “right to abortion” was the leading strategy.
Despite the pro-abortion political wilderness that came after Casey, pro-lifers continued to target Roe at the political level, electing politicians who promised to pass pro-life laws that would challenge Roe from all sides.
In 2021, the year the Supreme Court agreed to take up the Dobbs case, states passed more than 100 pro-life bills.
Those laws faced a friendly court. With George W. Bush’s Justice Samuel Alito and three Trump nominees joining Justice Thomas, pro-lifers were finally “cautiously optimistic” that they had a court willing to at least reexamine Roe.
The eventual overturn replaced cautious optimism with a bittersweet thankfulness in many pro -lifers. Monica Migliorino Miller said she had prayed for Roe to be overturned, but was still saddened that it was so long in coming: “All along we’ve said this was a bad decision. … And we were right all along. But in the meantime, 62 million human beings were exterminated.”
Fact-Checkers Lie for the Abortion Industry so They Can Sell More Abortions. Here’s How
How do you make fake news even faker? You claim that you’re a journalistic entity that is fighting “disinformation,” of course. You call yourself a “fact -checker.” You throw in some words like “accountability” and “data-driven” and then proceed to hide the facts and drive your own political narrative, leaving truth in the dust.
The Markup is a recent entry into the crowded field of leftists who want to control what we see, hear and read. Its major funding comes from the founder of Craig’s List, Craig Newmark. The billionaire (worth $1.3 billion according to Forbes) is just one of many extremely wealthy so-called philanthropists who fund disinformation cloaked in righteous “fact-checking”. He’s radically pro-abortion, claiming on Twitter: “Abortion rights are on the ballots this November. The ACLU is connecting the dots to protect and advance our rights on all fronts.”
On his website for Craig Newmark Philanthropies, he claims his money “promotes trustworthy journalism.” Yet, these supposed “watchdog” groups need someone to watch them. Their dishonesty and omissions are a disgrace to the field of journalism.
Two weeks ago, I was contacted by an investigative reporter (I’m using the term lightly) from The Markup. Her name is Lauren Kirchner. She wrote: “According to the data we’ve collected your group has bought either ads or sponsored posts on Facebook about Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) in the past several months.” Well, that data was completely false. Shocker, right? The Radiance Foundation has never purchased ads or boosted posts on Facebook regarding the Abortion Pill Reversal. It’s not because we don’t fully support the life-saving procedure (we do!), but because Facebook has disallowed us from advertising on any social issues. The reporter asked a series of questions all predicated on how “medical experts” claimed APR was “not based in science”, “life-threatening” and “bogus.” Kirchner went on to cite a botched UC Davis “study” where “the physician who ran the study, told us, ‘Every leading medical organization has said this is bogus.’” That “medical expert’s” name is Mitchell Creinin . He’s an abortionist with UC Davis Family Planning Center. Neither of those facts are mentioned in The Markup’s attack piece. Every researcher in the pro-abortion, anti-APR study is a practicing abortionist. Every single one. That’s also not mentioned in the article. There’s a major financial conflict of interest, wouldn’t you say?
The rabbit hole goes deeper. Mitchell Creinin is a paid spokesperson for Danco Laboratories – drum roll please – the maker of the abortion pill mifepristone!
I challenged the reporter that hundreds of women have actually died since Roe from “safe and legal” abortions. Over 64 million children have been killed by it. Abortion’s dangerous. It’s high risk. It’s fake health.
The Markup omitted every response I provided for the article. That night, after the hit piece was published, Facebook took down Heartbeat International’s APR page. It was restored two days later due to an “error”.Right.
No matter how many “fact-checking” entities, like The Markup, get birthed, the facts always seem to get aborted. When you have billionaires funding your propaganda, you get to keep publishing deadly lies.
Read Full Life News Article HERE!
These cities plan to fund abortion in pro-life states.
Pro-abortion officials in cities around the nation are taking a bold stand in support of abortions for employees. Seemingly following the lead of dozens of companies that have announced plans to cover the costs of abortion-related travel for employees, these cities are adding heat to the pro- abortion pressure female employees may be feeling in the face of potentially missing a step in their careers.
Austin, Texas
“Once again Austin City Council is playing politics with the lives of preborn babies,” said Senior Policy Advisor of Texas Values, Mary Elizabeth Castle. “Instead of using taxpayer dollars to help mothers and children in need of assistance, the city is wasting money on programs that will only harm families for the sake of their personal disappointment in Roe v Wade being overturned. Residents of Austin need to speak out against this dangerous political posturing.” The council will be holding a special meeting to discuss this and is also directing city prosecutors not to enforce the Texas law that protects most preborn human beings.
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb and the City Council are working to create a $100,000 “Reproductive Freedom Fund” to pay for travel-related costs of abortion for both city employees and residents. It’s all part of the city’s six-point plan to advocate for abortion, including refusing to prosecute abortion crimes, treating abortion-related investigations as the “lowest priority,” and considering adding abortion coverage to its employee health insurance plans.
Cincinnati, Ohio
According to the Democratic mayor of Cincinnati, Aftab Pureval, the city will now reimburse government employees who travel out of state for abortions. The funding will cover the costs of traveling for an abortion outside of a 150-mile radius. “Our Supreme Court, Congress, and state Legislature have failed us. Local officials must do whatever we can to protect the women of our communities. It is not my job to make it easier for the state Legislature and governor to drag women back to the ’50s and strip their rights, it’s my job to make that harder,” said Pureval.
Kansas City, Missouri
Kansas City City Council members passed a resolution to allow a travel reimbursement for city employees who travel out of state to have an abortion. There is no set dollar amount for the reimbursement, but it would cover the travel-related expenses for the abortion, not the abortion itself.
Nashville, Tennessee
The Nashville Metro Council unanimously passed a resolution that will support the coverage of abortion expenses for Metro employees who travel out of state for abortions. One Council member, Joy Styles, abstained from voting. She is on the board of directors for the Hope Clinic for Women, a pro-life pregnancy center that was recently attacked with a Molotov cocktail.
The Council is also considering a bill that would encourage government contractors to pay for their own employees’ out-of-state abortions.