
Ohio’s Fetal Remains Law Challenged by Radical Abortions Activists

Pro-choice groups in Ohio are asking a court to decide again whether a law regarding disposal of fetal remains after an abortion should stand.

The ACLU of Ohio and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America filed the lawsuit in Hamilton County Common Pleas, the same court in which a judge blocked the law previously.

At issue is Senate Bill 27, passed by the last General Assembly in December 2020.

Lawyers representing abortion clinics in the the suit say a court decision in the case is “critical…to ensure patients are able to exercise their constitutionally protected right to obtain essential health care and determine the course of their own lives.”

“Compliance with SB 27 will have a devastating impact on the ability of patients to have autonomy over their own lives,” said Freda Levenson, ACLU of Ohio legal director, in a statement.

The lawsuit asks the court to block the law from taking effect, thus keeping the ODH from enforcing the measure.

Read Ohio Capitol Journal Article Here

Texas Defends Abortion Ban in Federal

Court, Heartbeat Law Has Saved Over

10,000 Babies from Abortion.

Since Sept. 1, the heartbeat law has stopped almost all abortions in the state. Texas Right to Life estimates as many as 100 unborn babies are being spared from  abortion every day. And if the law remains in effect much longer, many Texas abortion businesses may close, according to the Texas Tribune.

Though the legal wranglings are complex, Texas Right to Life pointed out that abortion activists’ goal is simple: Convince a court to block the law.

Back in court this week, abortion activists and Texas officials argued about procedural questions regarding the Texas heartbeat law, which has saved as many as 10,000 unborn babies’ lives so far.

A Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals panel considered the two sides’ arguments Friday involving the unique private enforcement mechanism in the law and the court that should be next to consider the case,

according to Bloomberg Law.

Full LifeNews Article HERE!

Here’s Why I’m a Pro-Life Millennial

Woman Who Opposes Killing

Babies in Abortions.

On the surface, I look like a typical, pro-choice Democrat acolyte. As a young, successful millennial who grew up in a single parent household that survived on government assistance, my supposed support of abortion is expected, particularly among liberal Democrats and the mainstream media.

But those folks are wrong about this, as they are about so many things. As a Christian, I am an adamant supporter of life. And I’m not alone. My generation is waking up to the toll of abortion on demand. A study released earlier this year showed that nearly 60% of millennials and Gen Z support overturning Roe. Those are numbers unheard of in previous generations.

The support for abortion is cratering because so many of us have witnessed the heartbreak, pain and depression experienced by friends and family who thought abortion was an easy choice, not to mention those who have experienced it firsthand. Roe v. Wade changed the landscape of America, but our generation is waking up to what the original sin of wokeism cost us. It not only cost the lives of over 62 million innocent babies but also the cost of unspoken depression and mental health scars that never go away

Note: The full article was written by Audrey Henson who is a small business owner and a Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 13th District.

Read More HERE!

Created Equal: The “Unexpected Classroom.”

The Created Equal organization greeted students exiting a Central Ohio school with graphic signage showing the brutality of abortion, as well as offering pro-life brochures to students, where they were in an assembly with Planned Parenthood.

Watch the video below to see the full story and see their responses.

Abortion Activists Threaten to Rape,

Kill Pro-Life Legislator Who Filed

Bill to Ban Abortions.

Nebraska police are investigating at least nine  reported thre ats against pro-life state Sen. Julie

Slama after she introduced a bill last week to ban abortions on unborn babies once their heartbeat is detectable.

Last week, on the first day of the legislative session, Slama introduced the Heartbeat Act ( LB 781), a bill that would protect unborn babies by banning abortions once an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable.

Her legislation would require abortionists to check for the unborn baby’s heartbeat before doing the abortion and prohibit the abortion if the baby’s heartbeat is detected. Typically, an unborn baby’s heartbeat can be detected by six weeks of pregnancy, before most abortions occur.

The bill has 20 co-sponsors, and Republicans control the state legislature.

“It’s fascinating to see the death threats, rape threats, & sexually explicit comments sent by self- proclaimed ‘feminists’ to me, a female state senator, because I introduced a #prolife Heartbeat Bill,” Slama wrote on Twitter.

According to the newspaper, Slama provided copies of nine messages that she received, one showing the photo of a monkey holding a gun along with the words “this is a threat.” Another message referred to her “future daughter” getting raped, and a third told her she has a “great face to curb stomp,” the newspaper reported.

Nebraska pro- life organizations condemned the threats in a joint statement Friday, saying every human being, born or unborn, deserves respect.

Read Full Article HERE!

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