

Judicial Activist Court is 0 for 3

On Wednesday night, the Ohio Supreme Court rejected Republicans’ proposed legislative redistricting maps for a third time as unconstitutional, a move that state legislative leaders have said likely will result in the May primary being delayed.

Ohio’s Largest Pro-life Organization Holds Annual

Membership Meeting & Elections.

The Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio (RTLACO) held its annual membership board meeting and elections on March 11, 2022. Ohio’s fastest-growing pro-life grassroots organization met during the annual Bringing America Back to Life (BABL) Convention in Independence, Ohio. BABL is sponsored by the Cleveland Right to Life member organization and is the largest pro-life gathering in Ohio.

RTLACO welcomed new member organizations and over 60 members to the annual meeting. The new officers for 2022 – 2023 are: Margie Christie – President, Gary Taphorn – President-Elect, Walter Moss – Vice President, Linda Theis – Past President, Jacqui Fetsko – Treasurer, and Gretchen Schellenger – Secretary.

District Vice Presidents: Ed Sitter, Piroska Papp, Liz Kent, Kate Makra, Judy Harness, Ron Dallman, and Laura Strietmann.

RTLACO Officers represent a diversity of member groups: Ross County Right to Life, Dayton Right to Life, Lorain County Right to Life, Fostoria-Bascom Area Pro-life, National Black Pro-life Coalition, Hancock County Right to Life, Dayton Right to Life, Greater Toledo Right to Life, Lake County Right to Life and Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati.

Outgoing President Linda Theis was recognized for her outstanding leadership during the complex challenges of the pandemic. Incoming President Margie Christie stated, “2022 is an important year for the pro-life movement.

Depending on what happens with the Supreme Court decision and the elections, our movement has to be ready to deal with a post-Roe v Wade world and the pro-death culture.”

RTLACO officers informed its members that Ohio’s abortion numbers have remained static for five years. Numerous pieces of pro-life legislation have been passed, but most have been tied up in court. Ohio has become a state where our Executive branch and others use pro-life legislation as a campaign talking point and bargaining tool—only to use the issue for campaign fundraising and talking points. RTLACO strives to elect true pro-life champions who fight for the unborn, not just talk about them.

RTLACO announced its slate of endorsed candidates would be released at the end of March. “These endorsed candidates will be true pro-life champions,” stated Jeannine Jones, the Candidate Endorsement Committee chair.

The BABL convention was a positive and uplifting event with prominent pro-life speakers such as David Barton, Reggie Littlejohn, and others.

Ex-abortion worker tells why she ditched the industry: ‘I couldn’t face myself in the mirror.’

An ex-abortion assistant shared the story of how  the work she initially saw as a golden opportunity

became a “day-by-day cultish beatdown” that finally broke her, leading her to sever ties with abortion once and for all.

“‘So let me get this straight,” I said to myself. “I’ll be working a five- minute walk from my house, I’m making way more money, the doctor and I get along like old friends, the work is easy and important, they complimented me all day long,

they bought me lunch and will every time we hit 12 procedures, they handed me a check for 500 bucks, and they’re buying me a new phone?’ Is this perfect or what?’”

This honeymoon beginning, however, eventually transformed into a soul-crushing endeavor.

Apart from “the affront to the conscience that takes place from all the death going on in the rooms down the hall,” Padilla said, “is the death that occurs to those who work there, like me — death by a thousand cuts.”

“From asking you to step over moral lines that start small, to manipulating sonograms … to the brazen pursuit of money over the health of women, to disallowing employees to lift a finger to help a woman if her needs do not bring revenue (such as finding shelter) … to prohibiting the word ‘baby’ to be spoken to using your weakness against you (‘You don’t have a driver’s license, Noemi; go ahead — quit. Where are you going to go?’), to telling workers to ‘shut up, know your place and do as you are told’ Soon, you don’t have the energy to fight anymore,” Padilla said.

The “final straw,” she said, came when a woman arrived who did not want an abortion but “was simply eager to monitor the health of the baby inside her.” Audrey (name changed for anonymity) had first confused the abortion facility with a nearby pregnancy center but continued to come monthly for sonograms.

Then one day, Padilla said Audrey called her to tell her “she was being rushed in for an abortion” and wanted her “to be in the procedure room to hold her hand.” Padilla also got a call from the hospital sending Audrey over, in which they said her baby had a “fetal anomaly” that could result in the baby’s death. She told the abortion facility owner that she “needed to see the medical records from the hospital immediately to verify what the problem was,” but was told the hospital “was not obligated to send the medical records, and that they “were not to push the issue.” “It meant we had a three-day abortion — at $7,000 — to perform ASAP. I felt like I was being muzzled … again,” Padilla recalled.

“And it was there, in that moment sitting alongside Audrey, holding her hand, that I knew that I had become someone else. “I couldn’t lie to myself anymore,” she told CBN News, describing the time after that pivotal incident.

Padilla said she later saw the woman’s medical records, in which “nothing seemed to indicate the need” for an emergency abortion.

“The experience broke me…I was done. I got up, went in, quit, and then went to the beach and plopped myself in a chair and stared at the water all day long. I must have managed to say, ‘God, please forgive me,’ at least 100,000 times.”

That day, Padilla said, she called a group she “knew much about from a sidewalk advocate named Tricia”: “And Then There Were None,” an organization founded by Planned Parenthood clinic director-turned pro -life activist Abby Johnson that encourages abortion clinic workers to leave the industry and helps them to do so. She has since helped other abortion workers to leave with the assistance of “Then There Were None.” The group “exhibits uncommon love, the love of Jesus, every day,” Padilla said.

Full Article by LifeSiteNews HERE!

21 States Tell Federal Court: Ban Abortions on Babies With Beating Hearts.

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall led a 21-state amicus brief filed Tuesday in supportof South Carolina’s one-year-old Fetal

Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act, which had been blocked by federal district and appeals courts.

Attorney General Marshall filed the amicus brief in Planned Parenthood South Atlantic v. Wilson before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit onTuesday. The South Carolina abortion law, which was enacted on February 18, 2021, was enjoined by a federal district judge on March 19, 2021, and the injunction was upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit on February 22, 2022.

“States have an unquestioned interest in making information about a childavailable to a mother who is considering abortion. That is why Planned Parenthood and the other plaintiffs challenged only the law’s regulation of abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected,” said Attorney General Marshall. “However, the federal appeals court ruling affirmed the errors of the lower court by enjoining the law in its entirety—blocking the law’s many disclosure and education requirements which are legal and enforced in many other states, including Alabama.

Joining Attorney General Marshall in signing the amicus brief

(https://www.alabamaag.gov/Documents/news/SC%20Abortion%20Law% 20Multistate%20Amici%20Brief.pdf) are attorneys general from Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and West Virginia.

Full LifeNews Article HERE!

Heartbeat Law wins at Texas Supreme Court!

On Friday, March 11, 2022, the Texas Supreme Court said “no” to the claim made by abortionists that state officials have a role in enforcing the Texas Heartbeat Law – which is not how the law is designed. Justice Jeff Boyd wrote that giving enforcement authority to state officials goes against the plain language of the statute, which specifically requires the law to be enforced by private citizens and forbids government enforcement.

“Once again, the Texas Heartbeat Law prevailed in court – not only at the U.S. Supreme Court, but now at the Texas Supreme Court,” said Jonathan Saenz, President and Attorney for Texas Values. “The high court rejected the abortion groups’ faulty interpretation of this pro- life law and as a result, this life-or-death case should be dismissed. Babies win again.”

“Today’s ruling is a big victory for the life-saving Texas Heartbeat

Act,” Kimberlyn Schwartz, Director of Media and Communications for Texas Right to Life, said in a statement. “We have said from the beginning that abortionists’ lawsuit should be dismissed. The Legislature clearly never intended state agencies to participate in enforcing the Texas Heartbeat Act, and the Supreme Court of Texas agreed. This is not the final step in the journey, as the case will now return to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, but it affirms a positive path forward for the historic law. We’re grateful that the Texas Heartbeat Act will continue saving thousands of lives, and we’re hopeful that the judiciary will soon pave the way to protect all preborn children by overturning Roe v. Wade.”

LifeSite News Read HERE!

Pro-euthanasia group wants to force religious medical facilities to commit assisted suicide.

The pro-euthanasia group Dying with Dignity Canada is demanding an end to religious exemptions that allow medical facilities with a religious affiliation to decline to participate in assisted suicide. Alex Schadenberg, international chair of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, explained that the group is specifically campaigning for an end to “forced transfers” — a term they use to describe what happens when people are “forced” to relocate to a facility that will participate with the country’s Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD) laws.

Dying with Dignity maintains that forcing people who are terminally ill to move to a different medical facility so that they can kill themselves is cruel. “Already suffering, when their health is fragile, patients experience stress and feel stigmatized for their choice to access MAID and end their suffering,” the organization said in a press release. But despite this assertion, studies have shown that often, people don’t seek to die because they are in pain, but because they are lonely, depressed, hopeless, have no support, and are afraid of being a burden.

Assisted suicide rates in Canada are already alarming; reports show that more and more people request assisted death each year. British Columbia, in

particular, has some of the highest rates of assisted suicide in the world. There have also been alarming reports of people who have claimed that they or their family members were pressured to undergo assisted death. Death with Dignity’s demand that religious-affiliated hospitals now commit euthanasia is another example of the disregard of the dignity of life and the slippery slope that occurs once state-sanctioned death is legalized.

Read More from LiveAction HERE!

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